Monday, July 11, 2011

*A note to New York City men.

I love to dance. It has to be one of my favorite things to do. Absolutely nothing releases stress the way letting your body feel the rhythm does. It is simply amazing. And thus, I dance just about every weekend. 16 hours of dancing in one week to be exact. My friend and I go, grab some H2O on the rocks, and shake it out.

Now I enjoy dancing in groups of people. With people. But men... we need to have a conversation.

Since when is coming up behind a girl, grabbing her hips, and pushing them onto your crotch a proper introduction? Whatever happened to greeting someone face to face, exchanging names and regions of origin, before proceeding to hump my butt? Honestly, it's really... awkward.

I love to dance. I can find a rhythm and keep it. But damn! I do not always want to be accosted. As my friend puts it, we do our thing, in a coordinated, un-hot-mess way, and just want to have a good time. And though dancing "on" you might be enjoyable for you, it's really not all that great for me. You move awkwardly, I try to counter. You put your hands where they do NOT belong, I mouth "Help. Me." to my friends. All without even seeing your face. And then, you think that me not shoving you away means I want to dance in the same, lovely fashion the rest of the night... Does that really sound like a good plan?

Lesson: Just because I dance does not mean I want to dance with YOU, be mauled from behind, or go somewhere else with your creepy arse.

Get me some water on the rocks first, please. Geez Or go get yourself a blow-up doll. I'm just sayin...