Sunday, June 26, 2011

Let it Begin

My "Livejournal" would probably count as my first blog. Everyone had them... well at least all us cool kids. We used them to whine about our parents, gossip/create/swash drama, SHOUT OUT to our friends, and basically be silly adolescents. Needless to say, when I reread it now, all I see is ANGST ANGST ANGST

My first real blog was when I went to Buenos Aires, Argentina, and lived for four months (El bistec y Mi if you're interested). It was a great account of the struggles and successes I had dealing with language and culture, making friends, and ultimately changing the way I work and perceive the world. That'll be pretty hard to follow up... But let us try!

Now, as an unemployment college grad (with a faint promise of employment within the near future), I am going to try this again.

My vision for this blog is for it to be a collection of my experiences living here, dealing with people, life, work, culture, race, and anything else that might pop up. Filled with opinions and the occasional dyslexic error, lacking pose and big "educated" words. I am a normal person, trying to live a normal life under circumstances that make normal the hardest thing to achieve. : )

Let it begin.

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